Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Psychology for UPSC Mains, An analysis of 2013's Paper

Psychology for UPSC Mains, An Analysis of 2013’s Paper

Paper 1

Similar structure of the question paper like last year. Question no. 1 and 5 compulsory, 5 questions in Question no. 1 and 5 each, each will have to be answered in not more than 150 words. Three are to be attempted choosing at least one from each section. Here also, each question will have to be answered either in not more than 250×3=750 words, or in not more than 400×2=800 words, just like previous year’s Question paper.
One question is of similar nature compared to the question paper of 2012:
In 2012, UPSC asked: “Evaluate various factors which influence intrinsic motivation.”
In 2013, UPSC asked: “What is intrinsic motivation? Why it gets reduced if the person gets external rewind for undertaking a task that he or she loves?”
Now, a topic-wise comparison of the question paper with the previous year’s question paper:
Few questions from the topics “Methods of Psychology” and “Research Methods”:
Ethnocentrism, ‘effect size’ and ‘statistical power’, observation and dimensions of participation in observational research.
Too many questions from these seemingly difficult topics:
Question writing in survey research, sampling error and error in sampling, t-test, IRT, McCrary Hunter invariance hypothesis.
Few straight questions from the topic “Development of Human Behaviour”.
How do genes affect development?
developmental challenges faced by adolescents in the cognitive and social domains, which is very much similar to the question asked in 2011, role of parenting style, peer group and media in identity formation during adolescence.
Bowlby and Anisworth researches, which requires in-depth study of the topic.
Vygotsky asked for the first time in UPSC.
Epigenetic model only in short questions.
From the topic “Learning”,
Reinforcement schedules
Reinforcement topic was asked in 2012 too:
Primary and secondary reinforcements.
From the topic “Memory”,
Factor that contribute to the encoding of information into LTM, like the question asked in 2011, “How the principles of encoding help enhancing the use of mnemonic devices?”
Modal model of STM.
Comparison of Sterling’s and Neisser’s experiments in sensory memory.
From the topic “Emotion”,
Role of left and right hemispheres in emotion asked for the first time in UPSC.
Direct questions from the same topic,
Measurement of emotion, effect of emotion on behavior, facial expression of emotion.

Now, the lists of books, materials and websites that will help in Psychology Paper-1:
1.      NCERT Psychology Textbooks of classes XI and XII.
7.      E-gyankosh
9.      List of important topics in Psychology by Ghamshyam Thori, IAS:
Next, I have done a detailed question-wise analysis of the question paper and the relevant references that need to be followed to answer the questions.
Question 1: Answer the following, each in not more than 150 words. 10×5=50 marks
  1. Critically evaluate the cognitive approach to the study of psychological phenomena.
Can be answered from NCERT’s class XI textbook of Psychology. The first chapter “What is Psychology?” discusses this topic under the headings of The Cognitive Revolutionand Cognitive Approach. Sufficient content to write 150 words. Present in Morgan & King’s book also in the first chapter What Psychology is Like.
  1. What is ethnocentrism? How is it reflected in psychological research?
Haven’t found satisfactory answer to this question in any standard book of psychology. However, you can follow the following link to get an answer to this question:
  1. What factors contribute to the encoding of information into LTM?
Can be answered by a thorough reading of Morgan & King’s chapter on Memory.
  1. How do genes affect development?
Can be answered from S K Mangal’s book. This topic is present in the chapter on Heredity and Environment under the heading The role of genes in sufficient detail to write 150 words on the topic.
  1. Describe different reinforcement schedules and indicate their effects on the strength of learning.
Discussed in Baron’s Psychology in detail with diagrams.
Question 2: Answer each in not more than 250 words :15+20+15
  1. What do you understand by ‘effect size’ and ‘statistical power’? Explain their significance.
Haven’t found in standard book on psychology. You can listen to the lecture on this topic by clicking the following link:
This link is also very useful:
  1. Discuss the importance of early relationship for developmental outcomes in the light of researches by Bowlby and Anisworth.
Topic mentioned in Morgan & King’s book in the chapter Development During Infancy and Childhood under the heading Social Development, sub-heading Attachment. Although it talks of researches by Bowlby and his colleagues. Baron’s book also mentions research by Bowlby. Ainsworth’s name is mentioned for just one time under Attachment in the chapter Social and Emotional Development: Forming Relationships with Others.
  1. Compare template matching and feature detection accounts of pattern recognition.
Pattern detection is there in Baron’s book in the chapter on perception.
Question 3: Answer the following, each in not more than 400 words. 25+25
  1. The discipline of psychology has grown and developed through debate between those who held that it should be modelled on natural science and those who subscribed to the view that it has to follow the model of social science. What arguments you envision for or against these views? What position you would like to endorse and why?
Topic directly from NCERT’s Psychology textbook of class XI. Sufficient content to write 400 words.
  1. Bring out the key developmental challenges faced by adolescents in the cognitive and social domains.
Present in standard Psychology book. Can be answered following NCERT, Morgan & King or Baron.
Question 4: Answer the following, each in not more than 250 words: 15+20+15
  1. Why our representations of the external world are not entirely accurate?
Can be found in any standard book on psychology, the chapter is perception.
  1. Describe and evaluate the modal model of short-term memory.
Atkinson and Shiffrin is called the modal model. Though Atkinson and Shiffrin model is elaborately discussed in Morgan & King’s book, it is nowhere mentioned that it is called the modal model.
  1. Describe the basic elements of observation and bring out the implications of the dimension of participation in observational research.
There is an entire chapter devoted to Observation Method in e-gyankosh. It has sufficient content on Participant observation to write 250 wordson the topic.
Question 5: Answer each in 150 words. 10 x 5 =50
  1. What is the situational critique of trait psychology?
Can be answered from Mishra’s book on Psychology. Copy-pasting from the chapter on “Personality”…
“Our situations are dynamic in nature, and, therefore, if the situation varies the consistency of behavioural characteristics may also change. Such variations make the behavioural traits unstable or inconsistent.”
  1. Explain Sternberg’s view of intelligence and bring out its implication for schooling.
Discussed in NCERT’s textbook of Class XII.
  1. Every function in the child’s development appears twice : first on social level and later. on the individual level.” Vygotsky. Discuss the above statement and indicate your own position on this proposition.
Have been discussed in NCERT’s textbook of Class XI.
  1. What are the process of language production?
Discussed in NCERT’s textbook of Class XI.
  1. How do novices differ from experts?
The difference with respect to language production can be answered from NCERT’s textbook of Class XI.
Question 6: Answer the following, each in not more than 250 words :15+20+15
  1. Bring out the role of left and right hemispheres in emotional experience.
Discussed in detail in Baron’s book on psychology. The topic is directly from syllabus: Physiological basis of emotion.
  1. What is intrinsic motivation? Why it gets reduced if the person gets external rewind for undertaking a task that he or she loves?
Discussed in detail in Mishra’s book on psychology in the chapter on “Motivation” under the heading of “Intrinsic and Extrinsic framework of Motivation”.
  1. Explain correspondence bias. Is it universal or culturally variable?
Directly from Baron’s book on psychology. The topic is mentioned explicitly in the syllabus: “Theories of Attribution”.
Question 7: Answer the following each in more than 400 words :25+25
  1. What is the role of social categorization in the formation of prejudice? Suggest some strategies to reduce prejudice.
Social categorization in the origin of prejudice have been discussed in Baron’s book on psychology. The strategies to reduce prejudice is also there in the same chapter “Social Thought and Social Behaviour”.
  1. How the psychoanalytic view differs from physiological or cognitive view of dream?
Psychoanalytic, physiological and cognitive views on sleep are discussed in Baron’s book on psychology in the chapter “States of Consciousness”.
Question 8: Answer the following. each in not more than 250 words: 15+20+15
  1. What are the requirements to be met by psychological assessment tools for offering accurate and useful measure of psychological constructs?
  2. What makes a persuasive attempt effective? Discuss.
From Baron’s book, the chapter is “Social Thought and Social Behaviour”.
  1. Describe the Indian approach to personality as reflected in the principle of three Gunas.
Trigunas discussed in NCERT’s textbook on psychology of class XII, in the chapter “Self and Personality”, under type approaches. “The Indian approach to personality” is explicitly mentioned in the syllabus.


Again, similar structure like last year.
Now, the lists of books, materials and websites that will help in Psychology Paper-1:
1.      NCERT Psychology Textbooks of classes XII.
2.      Abnormal Psychology: Coleman
4.      Applied Psychology: Smarak Swain
5.      E-gyankosh
7.      List of important topics in Psychology by Ghamshyam Thori, IAS:
Applied Psychology by Smarak Swain is the best book for Paper-II. All the topics are covered in sufficient detail. You can consult other books and materials as and when needed. Though personally I think this one book will suffice.
All the questions asked in this year’s question can be answered from this one book. So I am not doing a question-wise analysis here.
Wish you all the best for your endeavour!